Friday, October 26, 2007

Web Development

Web Development Technologies

There are two types of Web Development Technologies.

1. Client-Side Technologies
2. Server-Side Technologies

Client-Side Technologies :


XHTML is a markup language designed to structure information for presentation as web pages. We write all our XHTML by hand, ensuring that it is clean, valid and of the highest standard. This means that pages have fastest download times possible, are viewable on all browsers, are search engine friendly, and have maximum forward compatibility.

Cascading Style Sheets

Cascading Style Sheets control how web pages are displayed in the browser, and allow the separation of presentation from structure and content. CSS help ensure that web pages are presented in an accessible way to all visitors, over a wide range of media.


JavaScript is a lightweight scripting technology which is used alongside XHTML documents to make websites more interactive.

Server-Side Technologies :

PHP is a fast, server-side scripting language that is used to create interactive, dynamic web sites. It is particularly well-suited to integrating with a range of databases.

PHP offers several key advantages:
• Cross-platform operability
• Compatibility with a wide variety of databases
• Support for most current web servers
• Communicates with numerous network protocols
• Not limited to HTML output
• Strong text processing capabilities


Java Server Pages (JSP) is a technology that lets you mix regular static HTML with dynamically-generated HTML. Many Web pages that are built by CGI programs are mostly static, with the dynamic part limited to a few small locations. But most CGI variations, including servlets, make you generate the entire page via your program, even though most of it is always the same.

The advantages of JSP are twofold. First, the dynamic part is written in Java, not Visual Basic or other MS-specific language, so it is more powerful and easier to use. Second, it is portable to other operating systems and non-Microsoft Web servers.


ASP.Net is development under the full control of Microsoft Technology Corporation. is the successor of Asp. Which is more powerful and advanced .It has large set of new controls and XML based components, and better user authentication. ASP.NET uses the new ADO.NET tools for database connection.


Ruby is known as programmer’s friendly languages. Ruby is seen as a flexible language, since it allows its users to freely alter its parts. Essential parts of Ruby can be removed or redefined. Existing parts can be added upon. Ruby tries not to restrict the coder.

For example, addition is performed with the plus (+) operator. But, if you’d rather use the readable word plus, you could add such a method to Ruby’s built-in Numeric class.


Perl is a programming language that can handle input and output from a Web Server, usually through the Common Gateway Interface. It is most commonly used to process information through forms.


XML is a software and hardware independent markup language designed for describing and transmitting information. It is set to become the most common tool for all data manipulation and data transmission. XSL is a language for defining, transforming and formatting XML documents.

MySQL is a fast, open-source Relational Database Management System that uses the popular Structured Query Language (SQL). It is perfect for most websites that need database functionality, and works hand-in-hand with PHP.


PostgreSQL is a more sophisticated open-source Relational Database Management System. It is well-suited to sites that require robust database functionality, such as e-commerce sites.


Linux is a popular open-source operating system, and Apache is the most widely-used web server on the Internet. Together they provide a fast, extremely reliable, secure platform for web sites.

Window IIS

Internet Information Services (IIS) 6.0 is a powerful Web server that provides a highly reliable, manageable, and scalable Web application infrastructure for all versions of Windows Server 2003. IIS helps organizations increase Web site and application availability while lowering system administration costs. It is available with Windows Operating Systems.

SSL/Secure Servers

Unlike normal web servers, secure servers ensure that information exchanged between the visitor and the web site cannot be viewed by any third parties. A secure server is essential when handling confidential information, such as online credit card transactions or personal medical details. SSL, or Secure Socket Layer, is one method of exchanging data securely.

For more details, visit

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Web Development

Web development is a broad term for any activities related to developing a web site for the World Wide Web or an intranet. This can include e-commerce business development, web design, web content development, client/server-side coding, and web server configuration.

However, among web professionals, "web development" usually refers only to the non-design aspects of building web sites, e.g. writing markup and coding. Web development can range from developing the simplest static single page of plain text to the most complex web-based internet applications, electronic businesses, or social network services.

Information Processing Systems

Web technologies are used to produce not just simple personal or promotional Web sites containing informative, interesting, or entertaining material for public consumption. Rather, they are becoming important means for supporting the foundational "business processes" of modern organizations -- the underlying operational and management-support functions. The technical infrastructures for supporting these purposes are roughly classified into three types of Web-based systems, termed
  • intranets,
  • internets, and
  • extranets.

1) Intranet : Intranets are private, internal systems to help carry out the day-to-day information processing, management information, and work-flow activities of organizations. Web-based intranets service the standard internal business functions and in doing so impact basic organizational systems such as accounting and financial reporting systems, marketing and sales systems, purchasing and distribution systems, production systems, and human resource systems, among others. In time, Web-based intranets will become the primary technical means through which organizations function internally to carry out their business processes.

2) Internet : Internets are public information systems. They include public sites that provide news, information, and entertainment; electronic commerce sites to market and sell products and services; governmental sites to inform or service the general public; and educational sites to provide local and remote access to education and training. In all sectors of society, public internets are providing goods, services, and information to the public through the World Wide Web and its associated networks and services.

3) Extranet : Extranets are business-to-business (B2B) systems that manage electronic data interchange (EDI) between business enterprises. These systems facilitate the flow of information between organizations -- between a company and its suppliers and between the company and its distributors -- to help coordinate the sequence of purchasing, production, and distribution. Electronic data interchange helps eliminate the paper flow accompanying business transactions by using Web technologies to transfer electronic documents for processing between computers rather than between people. As Web-based systems, EDI applications eliminate the difficulties of communicating information among different hardware and software platforms with inherently different information formats and with different protocols for exchanging information.

For more detail, please visit

Thursday, October 4, 2007


Layout is the structure of given content for a web page. There are certain things a web designer needs to take into consideration while designing. That are

  1. Golden-point

  2. Balance- Symmetrical balance, Asymmetrical balance.

  3. Breathing Space.

1. Golden Point-
Is an object on which we are going to focus. When there are too many things in front of you to arrange, choose any one object in your design. That can be anything like.. logo, image, illustration, typography etc. towards which you want people get attracted and then arrange other objects which would complement your golden point.
Remember in any design Golden point or Focal point can be only one. You can not focus on objects more than one. That would confuse your audience.

Positioning the golden point :
Golden Point
Divide your design in 9 parts. Choose any one point shown in above diagram, to position your golden point.

2. Balance:
Symmetrical balance is achieved arranging objects of similar weight to both the sides of the design.
Asymmetrical balance is achieved arranging objects randomly in design considering their weightage.

3. Breathing space-
Breathing space is the most important aspect of any type of design. It is a spacing between any two objects. A design should not look too crowded. Complicated design will make your audience confused. They will get where to find what.
Though we always try to utilize maximum space of our design, every object should get some space to breath. So always try to make very neat and clean designs.

For more details, please visit